I apologize for being me

One part of my many conditions is I have “no filter.” having no filter doesn’t mean you are a bully, or abusive or breaching rule #15. It means I simply tell it like it is much like Alexa, AI, or any other bot. I don’t add “filler” in content. I’m straight forward. I don’t waste people’s time.

Now I realize some wear their heart on their sleeves and I’m sorry about that. Just as you have that condition I have mine. No one should be accused of being mean, or abusive when they are in fact not.

Someone posted an article the other day and it was incomplete. I am paid to write as a blogger, and for many high level newspapers under stage names. Any article I’ve ever written or been paid to write, I had to site resources. Even if you think there are none, there are. I pointed this out to someone. And I shared the content that should be added when I was hit back with some rude comment about how they couldn’t find it and tough luck kind of thing. Now that comment I found abusive. Blogger 101 teaches you ALWAYS ALWAYS link to resources. This helps the reader, and it makes the whole point of the article something other than BRAGGING. Which is all the article ended up being without any resources. It wasn’t helpful to anyone. It didn’t even link to the main page of governors! My faith teaches me to be humble and to NOT BRAG so yeah I personally was highly offended by the article but that person got to publish it. So why was I not allowed to share my feedback? I was silenced and the links I shared deleted instead of actually added to the BRAGGING article. Not useful to anyone!

So I’m sorry that my condition is offensive abusive and considered a bully - which you triggered me by calling me all that by the way, assuming that my helping was a bad thing because the writer doesn’t know how to properly write. That’s not my fault. But I’ll take the blame.

My resources -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank
Page rank. When you write an article it’s meant to help a website RANK well so its easier to find. Without resources your article isn’t going to be indexed by search engines. Another reason not to write BRAGGING.

I deeply apologize someone or many were offended by me lending a helping hand. Because of the slap back I got, I won’t help again. I learned my lesson. But I do hope there are no more bragging articles and indeed content members can actually use with resources.

God Bless